The Most Popular and Frequently Cited Bible Verses

YouVersion is an application that promotes itself as “a simple, ad-free Bible that brings the Word of God into your daily life. This year, their consumer data revealed which verses were shared and remembered the most by their 164 million users. According to YouVersion, every second two verses are shared through Twitter, Facebook, text messages and emails around the world. Jeff, a former Protestant minister who returned to the Catholic faith, developed the Bible study series The Great Adventure to help people better understand Sacred Scripture and its meaning for their lives.

He also created The Bible Timeline learning system, which revolutionized Catholic Bible study for millions of Catholics. If you are curious to know what the most popular and frequently cited Bible verses are, here is a list of some of the most widely read and quoted biblical passages. Whether you're new to the Bible or just looking to review the most popular verses out there, these are some of the most popular Bible verses. Even if you memorized your favorite Bible verses as a child in Sunday school, it's easy to forget them if you don't actively look for and read them.

The Bible is one of the most read and purchased books in the world and has often been cited in other forms of literature and media, such as television, music and movies. It is never a bad idea to have a variety of familiar and inspiring Bible verses in your head when talking to someone who is less familiar with the Bible or someone who is starting their journey in their faith. If you are someone who is actively studying the Bible, it may seem second nature to always look for and read the verses you haven't read before or with which you are less familiar. So whether you're new to the Bible or just looking to review the most popular and frequently cited Bible verses out there, here are some of the most popular Bible verses.

Johnathan Revere
Johnathan Revere

Find my other writing at Ministry Answers. I'm a lifelong scripture enthusiast. Wannabe internet ninja. Amateur coffee fan. Freelance explorer. Read my Daily Bible Verse Commentary